(Toyota Corolla 2014 ,Nissan Juke Nismo 2013 Dark Knight) The World In Images :::::::: الـعــالــم فـــي صـــور: Supertrees Illuminate City

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Supertrees Illuminate City

Lighting up the night sky: Giant man-made 'Supertrees' illuminate city as part of huge £350million gardens project to make Singapore 'botanical capital of the world'
They have been billed as Asia's latest unmissable tourist attractions, and these pictures prove they can be seen from miles around. Man-made 'Supertrees' as tall as skyscrapers are lighting up the night sky over Singapore. The towering structures, stretching 50 metres into the sky, have giant steel and concrete trunks and thousands of thick wire rods for branches. They form part of the Gardens By The Bay project, a massive £350million development in the city's Marina Bay area. Fitted with solar panels, hanging gardens and rainwater catches, the trees will be used to display plants from across the globe. A vast green space is also to be created in the area under plans to make Singapore the 'botanical capital of the world'. Once completed, the park will house a cluster of green conservatories and will also become home to the Singapore Garden Festival. Visitors will be able to take in a panoramic view of the gardens via an aerial walkway, dubbed the OCBC Skyway. The walkway, which links the artificial trees, is suspended 22 metres above the ground - about seven storeys high. Other grand plans include a dramatic 'light and sound' show, which is due to be held on the site every night from July 2. City leaders want to create a continuous ring of greenery, with three gardens wrapping around the Marina Bay area. They want tourists to be able to enjoy the outdoors as well as the city's famous bustling urban centre.

بالصـــــور : أضخم وأكبر حديقة خضراء في العالم بسنغافورة بتكلفة 350 مليون دولار ... لتصبح بذلك عاصمة العالم المضيئة ... أيقونة معمارية وهندسية رائعة

تضيء السماء ليلا, الأشجار العملاقة إنها من صنع الإنسان أضخم مشروع حدائق في العالم  بتكلفة ثلاثمئة وخمسون مليون دولار لجعل سنغافورة أكبر عاصمة نباتية في العالم سنغافورة  لقد تم تصميم تلك الحديقة بحيث يمكنك رؤيتها من على بعد أميال وسوف تكون معلماً سياحياً مميزا في أسيا , حيث تم تصميم هياكل من الصلب كناطحات السحاب على إرتفاع 50 مترا في السماء وتم تعليق ممرات وشوارع بين تلك الهياكل على إرتفاع 22 متراً للمشاه حيث سيتم زراعة تلك الهياكل  . أترككم مع الصور لتتحدث عن نفسها 

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