Email in your eye? Next-generation video screen glasses could lay messages or GPS over your field of vision
As advances in computer technology make gadgets ever smaller and more portable the idea of carrying a screen of any kind could soon be outdated. Consumer products with screens have dropped in size from computer to laptop to tablet via phone. But one company specialising in cutting edge visual technology waIsraeli company Lumus has shown off the PD-18-2, which may look like a cumbersome pair of shades but allow the user to see high-quality images while they walk.nts to beam information directly into your field of vision. Lumus, an Israeli company, specialises in what it calls Light-guide Optical Element (LOE) technology. It's latest product is the PD-18-2, which may look to the untrained eye like a cumbersome pair of sunglasses. But inside the lenses of the glasses, the user can see high-quality full colour images. Products like this are already on the market for professional and military use, but where the next-generation PD-18-2 differs is that users can see though the spectacles too, instead of having the images block their vision. The translucent lenses allow for what the manufacturer calls 'augmented vision', overlaying images or graphics over your usual field of vision. They are designed for professionals such as pilots, surgeons and soldiers but there are hopes that it can be adapted for the consumer market so people could watch film or TV on the move, or play video games as they walk around. It works by collecting image components from a micro display and projects them into the eye to create a large virtual image with SVGA resolution 'Following the successful deployment of our first generation PD-18-1 in combat aviation, ground soldier and assembly applications, we are pleased to release our next generation PD-18-2 that takes our competitive superiority to a whole new level,' said Dr. Eli Glikman. 'Our new display offers even higher brightness, increased contrast ratio, sharper image, improved image uniformity and enhanced optical efficiency.' The company currently sells its products to aviation companies as well as military, medical and maintenance markets. But the possibility of a move into the consumer market has already brought mixed reactions from technology watchers. It could be extremely useful as a portable GPS system, but there are concerns that it could be distracting for pedestrians who can often be seen walking round with their heads buried in mobile phones. One commenter, Erin Altman, wrote in a technology forum: 'Bad idea alert! Just like hands-free devices for cell phones, these things will give people a false sense of security. They will THINK they can still see what's going on around them but will be way too focused on the display instead.' Another commenter wrote: 'It's bad enough already that people walk around texting and on the cell phones... an example of the DOWNSIDE of technology.'
إختراع حاسوب محمول على شكل نظّارة
تمكنت شركة صينية من اختزال شاشة الحواسب المكتبية ذي الحجم الكبير إلى شاشتين صغيرتي الحجم يمكن حملهما. وطورت أول حاسوب محمول في العالم، ليس في اليد، بل يتم ارتداؤه كنظارة أشبه بالنظارات ثلاثية الأبعاد. وحسب موقع "" هذه النظارة تشكل هيكلا لحاسوب صغير محمول مزود بشاشتين صغيرتين من نوع شاشات (أموليد) "AMOLED microdisplay technology". ولكن ورغم تطوره يظل هذا الحاسوب بحاجة إلى فأرة تقليدية ولوحة مفاتيح قابلة للطي. ويبلغ قياس كل من هاتين الشاشتين 0.5 بوصة ودرجة وضوحها تبلغ (800×600) بيكسل، وهو ما يعادل تأثير الشاشات البصرية الكبيرة ذو قياس 55 بوصة. وهذا يعني أنه بجانب إمكانية هذا الحاسوب القيام بجميع وظائف الكمبيوتر التقليدي من مشاهدة الفيديو وتصفح الإنترنت وغيرها، فإنه قادر على قراءة المحتوى ثلاثي الأبعاد. وتخطط شركة Eve-book للتكنولوجيا والعلوم والتي تتخذ من مقاطعة الـ"يونان"، جنوب غرب الصين مقرا لها، للبدء في الإنتاج الضخم من هذه الكمبيوترات المحمولة بحلول شهر مارس/آذار المقبل. ووفقاً للشركة فإنها اختارت تقنية OLED أو "الصمامات ثنائية العضوية الباعثة للضوء"، كونها تتسم بعدة مميزات، حيث إن الشاشات المزودة بهذه التقنية تتميز بهيكلها البسيط وخفة وزنها ورقتها، كما وبمقاومتها العالية للصدمات وسرعة استجابتها للأوامر. ويذكر أن هذه التقنية تستهلك طاقة أقل من غيرها.




