Afghanistan, September 2012
tend to look at Afghanistan through the lens of conflict, with good
reason. Deaths of American forces
recently reached 2000 in the 11 years since US involvement in the country
began. Afghan forces have suffered
perhaps 10,000 losses, and even conservative estimates suggest as many as
20,000 Afghan civilians have perished.
It's a heavy toll for one of the most impoverished populations on
Earth. While acknowledging those human
losses, it's important also to celebrate the lives of those carrying on in the
face of bitter warfare and economic hardship.
Although no facet of Afghan life remains untouched by conflict, gathered
here are images made in September of ordinary Afghans getting on with the
business of life. –
بالصـور : الحياة في أفغانستان في
صـور , فلكل صورة قصة
اللهم اعز الاسلام واعز المسلمين ووفقهم لخير الدنيا والاخرة ودمر اعداءك اعداء الدين واحم حوزة الدين يارب العالمين ياالله اللهم انصر اخواننا المجاهدين في كل مكان و زمان وحال يارب العالمين ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله وصل اللهم وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه اجمعين اللهم امين اللهم امين اللهم امين.