(Toyota Corolla 2014 ,Nissan Juke Nismo 2013 Dark Knight) The World In Images :::::::: الـعــالــم فـــي صـــور: 06 November 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Strangest Birds

The Most Beautiful And Strangest Birds In The World ( Images )
أجمــل وأغــرب الطيـور فـي العـالـم
السلسلسة الأولى 

1. طائر الكويتزل Quetzal :

2. طيور التودي Tody Birds:

3. آكل النحل Bee-Eater :

4. مونال الهيمالايا Himalayan Monal:

5- حمامة نيكوبار Nicobar Pigeon:

6- طائر الكاردينال Cardinal:

7- العقعق التايواني الأزرق Taiwan Blue magpie:

8- طائر البناناكويت bananaquit:

The Terrifying Path

Don't look down! The terrifying see-through path stuck to a Chinese cliff-face 4,000ft above a rocky ravine
It is certainly not a path for the faint-hearted.
On one side a sheer rock face, on the other a 4,000ft drop - and all to separate the brave traveller from a deadly plunge is a 3ft-wide, 2.5in thick walkway. And if that is not enough to bring terror into the pit of your stomach, the path running alongside a Chinese mountainside is made out of glass, allowing a crystal-clear view of where one false step can take you. So it was perhaps understandable that this woman tackled the walkway by sticking as close to the cliff as possible, feeling her way along with tentative steps. The skywalk is situated 4,700ft above sea level on the side of the Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie, China.   The 200ft long bridge joins the west cliff at the Yunmeng Fairy Summit, the summit of Tianmen Mountain and Zhang Jiajie. And it would appear to be too scary for the cleaners - tourists are asked to put on shoe covers before passing to help keep the path clean. The pathway, built earlier in the summer echoes the glass-bottomed walkway at the Grand Canyon in the U.S.The 70ft bridge is 4,000ft above the natural wonder and allows tourists to look through 2.5in of crystal-clear glass to the Canyon floor below. The Tianmen mountain, literally translated as Heavenly Gate Mountain is so called because of a huge natural cave that occurs halfway up to the summit. Situated in the Hunan Province, Its highest peak is around 5,000ft above sea level and it is home to a wealth of rare species of plants A four-mile-long cable car was constructed in the park, which is said to be the longest of the same type in the world. And no matter how terrifying the glass walkway may be - it can only be an improvement from another sky high mountain walkway located in the same province. The Shifou Mountain, located 82 miles away, offers sightseers a 3ft-wide road made of wooden planks thousands of feet high. When finished the wooden 'road' - which is the width of a dinner table - will stretch for 1.8miles making it China's longest sightseeing path.

أخطر الممرات في العالم
بالتأكيد ضعاف القلوب لا يستطيعون عبور هذا الممر ... يقع هذا الممر أعلى جبل تيانمن في مدينة تشانغجياجيه  الصينية  في  مقاطعة هونان حيث تبلغ هذه المقاطعة خمسة ألاف قدم فوق سطح البحر وتضم مجموعة كبيرة من النباتات النادرة ,  ويسمى الجبل السماوى نظراً لأرتفاعه الشاهق حيث يبلغ إرتفاع هذا الممر أربعة ألاف قدم فوق الطبيعة الصينية الخلابة ويبلغ طول هذا الممر حوالي 200 قدم حيث أنه ينحدر من الغرب من أعلى قمة جبل يونمينج  وجبل تانغ  , وقد تم تصميم ممراً زجاجياً مطعماً بالكريستال تم صناعته في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية خصيصاً لهذا الغرض حيث يبلغ سمك الزجاج 2.5 إنش  . يمكنك مشاهدة الطبيعة الخلابة من خلال هذا الممر .... تخيل نفسك في هذا الممر  ! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

World's Biggest Windows Phone

Microsoft erects world’s largest ‘Windows Phone’ in NYC
Microsoft has erected the world's largest "Windows Phone' in New York City in celebration of the launch of its three new Windows Phones. Perhaps Microsoft is taking the concept of increased screen real-estate too far — in celebration of the launch of its three new Windows Phones – the Samsung Focus S, Focus Flash, and HTC Radar 4G, Microsoft has assembled a six-story ‘Windows Phone’ in the Herald Square area of New York City. The large six-story screen operates more like a large television than a phone with each individual tile fed by various video feeds that can be moved to accommodate live stage performances. It would appear that the big ‘M’ is trying to foster some much needed publicity for its own mobile phone platform. Microsoft has been lagging somewhat behind competitors — Apple and its ubiquitous iPhone, and the strong presence of Android-based phones on the market. Time will tell whether the new phones will prove popular among smartphone consumers, but in the meantime no one can fault Microsoft for trying to promote its latest offerings.
ميكروسوفت تكشف عن أكبر هاتف في العالم
كبير لدرجة أنه بارتفاع ستة طوابق
فبهذا الهاتف الضخم جذبت ميكروسوفت نظر سكان نيويورك للهواتف التي تعمل بنظام تشغيلها الجديد. فكرة بارعة نجحت في صنع دعاية استثنائية بكل تأكيد، وهذه الصـــور و الفيديو يوضحان الهاتف الجديد أثناء عمله