(Toyota Corolla 2014 ,Nissan Juke Nismo 2013 Dark Knight) The World In Images :::::::: الـعــالــم فـــي صـــور: 12 August 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Night Of Eid

بالصـور حصرياً  : صور خاصة ليلة العيد من جميع أنحاء العالم

Independence days

Independence days : Pakistan and India celebrate their 65th
The partition of India took place in 1947, ending 350 years of British rule and forming the self-governing countries of Pakistan and India. The Indian Independence Act was decided for Aug. 15, but Pakistan came into existence one day earlier on Aug. 14 so the British viceroy, Lord (Louis) Mountbatten, could attend both ceremonies in the two newly formed countries. Compiled here are images from this week's Independence Day celebrations and a slice of daily life from the two countries in the past few weeks

 بالصـور : عيد إستقلال الهند

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