(Toyota Corolla 2014 ,Nissan Juke Nismo 2013 Dark Knight) The World In Images :::::::: الـعــالــم فـــي صـــور: 29 April 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dubai's Underwater Hotel

Pictured: Sleeping with the fish : Dubai unveils hotel with rooms 10m under surface of the sea
When it comes to outlandish new design ideas, Dubai is certainly ahead of the curve. The glittering emirate has already got the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, and even the Earth itself - in the form of dozens of man-mad islands just off its coastline. So it is no surprise to hear that architects are set to take on a new challenge - building a half-submerged hotel, complete with underwater rooms offering views of life below the surface of the sea. The 'Water Discus Hotel' - a spaceship-shaped building perched in the water and looking not unlike a Jame Bond villain's lair - is set to be the first of several planned across the region. The designers, Deep Ocean Technology (DOT), hope the hotel will fulfill holidaymakers' desire to explore the depths of the oceans. 'Today, the advent of new technology made the heart of the ocean a setting not only for diving, but also for luxurious holidays,' said a spokesperson for BIG InvestConsult, a Swiss company behind the development. The hotel will be made up of two main discs, one above water and one below, they will be connected by three 'legs' which contain lifts and stairways to plunge guests from the sunshine above down beneath the surface of the sea. The underwater section is located up to 10 metres deep and is composed of 21 hotel rooms adjacent to the submerged dive centre and a bar. A special lighting system will illuminate the flora and fauna outside and the highest technology in the rooms will allow guests to zoom in and take a closer look at even the tiniest creatures using macro photography. But nervous swimmers need not worry, they won't be left all at sea, DOT insists it has kept to the highest safety requirements.

بالصــــــــــــــــــور: دبي تخطط لبناء فندق تحت الماء
 " والله عمار يا إمارات "

كشفت صحيفة (فايننشال تايمز) أن إمارة دبي تخطط لبناء فندق تحت الماء، في مؤشر على أنها خرجت من أزمتها المالية واستأنفت تنفيذ المشروعات الضخمة كما كان عليه الحال في ذورة ازدهارها. وقالت الصحيفة إن شركة "درايدوكس وورلد" لبناء السفن وقّعت عقداً مع شركة الإستثمارات السويسرية "انفست كونسالت" لبناء فندق "القرص المائي" في دبي. واضافت أن الفندق الفاخر المقترح سيتم بناء قسم منه فوق الماء والقسم الآخر تحت الماء وسيحتوي على غرف تطل على الحياة المائية. وستكون شركة درايدوكس المتعاقد الحصري لهذا المشروع وللفنادق الأخرى تحت الماء في الشرق الأوسط. واشارت إلى أن دبي كانت خططت قبل أزمتها المالية عام 2009 لبناء فندق تحت الماء تحت اسم "هايدروبوليس" غير أن المشروع لم يتحقق. ونقلت (فايننشال تايمز) عن تود ريزس، من مشروع بحوث التنمية الحضرية في مدن الخليج العربية، قوله هذه بالتأكيد ليست المرة الأولى التي يتم الإعلان فيها عن اقامة فندق تحت الماء، كما أنها لن تكون المرة الأولى في حال جرى صرف النظر عنه.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ik Kil

Ik Kil
Another view down in a cenote near the ruins of Chichen Itza.  History tells of the Maya culture viewing these areas as very sacred, believing that they were gateways to the afterlife.  There is also the problem that there are almost no rivers or lakes in the Yucatan peninsula, so cenotes became building sites for cities to provide the people with a water source. To give a little sense of scale of this guy, take a look in the upper left, where you see a straight line, that is a wall overlooking the cenote.  The wall was about waist high, and I couldn't reach the ceiling.  It was easily 40m deep and 60m wide.  I also read that the water continues another 25m down.  

بالصور والفيديو : بـئــر “إك كل” للمياه الجوفية في المكسيك, رائعة طبيعية مازالت تسحر البشر منذ أكثر من 2500 سنة
(إك كل \ Ik Kil) هو بئر في غاية الروعة والجمال, يطلق السكان المحليين على هذا النوع من التكوينات الطبيعية الرائعة إسم (سينوت \ cenote), وتقع البئر في مدينة بيستي في وسط شبه جزيرة يوكاتان المكسيكية, وتعتبر البئر الجوفية جزء من (متنزه “إك كل” الأثري) الواقع بجانب مدينة (تشيتشن إيتزا \ Chichen Itza) والتي تحتوي على أحد أهرامات شعب المايا القديمة التي تم بناءها منذ ما يزيد عن 500 عام قبل الميلاد. يقع الحوض المائي على مسافة 26 مترا تحت سطح الأرض ويبلغ عرضه حوالي الـ 60 مترا ويبلغ عمق المياه فيه حوالي الـ 40 مترا, وقد حفر شعب المايا قديما سلالم متدرجة في الصخور لتسهيل الوصول لهذه البئر وتوجد حفريات أثرية كثيره تغطي تلك المنطقة, لذا مشاهدة وزيارة هذا المكان تستمر في إدهاش الزائرين الذين يقفون مندهشين ما بين السحر الرائع للطبيعة مع عبق التاريخ القديم لشعب المايا. يعد متنزه “إك كل” مقصدا للسياح الذين يزورون الأهرامات القديمة المتواجده في تلك المنطقة حيث يسمح للزوار بأن يسبحو في مياه البئر الجوفية وتم بناء عدد من المطاعم والمحال التجارية والفنادق الصغيرة في المنطقة وقد استضافت البئر إحدى بطولات رد بول في الغوص كأحد الأحداث العالمية التي جذبها جمال الطبيعة الساحرة لهذا البئر الرائع.

The Popcorn Cannon

The Popcorn Cannon : How to make it Chinese style (and it involves a hell of a lot of smoke)
Just when you thought microwaveable popcorn was the fastest, most convenient way to make this salty snack. But vendors on the streets of Shanghai, China, have found an even quicker way and it is popped so quickly it is almost like magic. Vendors put the corn in a nifty little cast-iron cannister which is sealed with a heavy lid. The cannon-shaped contraption is then turned over a curb side flame in a rotisserie fashion. When a pressure gauge on the cannister reaches a certain level, it is removed from the fire and a large canvas sack is put over the lid and the seal released. Others vendors opt for placing the cooker in a metal container. In one poptastic explosion all the popcorn shoots out at once and is poured into the sack. While it is exciting to watch, and a little deafening, you might want to consider the cleanliness of the sack.

بالصور والفيديو : مدفع الفشار الصيني : من أطرف وأغرب طرق الباعة المتجولين لإعداد الفشار في العالم
طريقة سريعة ومبتكرة هي تلك التي إبتكرها الباعة المتجولون منذ زمن في شوارع مدينة شانجهاي الصينية لعمل وتجهيز كميات الفشار وبعض أنواع الأطعمة الخفيفة التي تعتمد على الضغط والحرارة لكي تنضج , حيث يقوم البائع في وضع المكونات اللازمة من حبات الذرة والملح في أسطوانه حديدية ومن ثم يحكم إغلاقها ليقوم بتدويرها على النار, الأغرب هو الصوت العالي الذي يشبه طلقة المدفع والتي تصدر عندما يفتح البائع الأسطوانة, هذا الصوت الذي يعلم المارة أن الكمية الحالية الوجبة الخفيفة اللتي يعدها البائع قد انتهت وهي طازجة وأصبحت جاهزة للبيع.
يطلق على هذه الطريقة إسم “مدفع الفشار”, وأبسط طريقة لكي تتعرف على هذه الطريقة الغريبة والمميزة هي في مشاهده هذا الفيديو.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Pictured: Dugong
These enormous vegetarians can be found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia, including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific. Dugongs are related to manatees and are similar in appearance and behavior— though the dugong's tail is fluked like a whale's. Both are related to the elephant, although the giant land animal is not at all similar in appearance or behavior. Dugongs graze on underwater grasses day and night, rooting for them with their bristled, sensitive snouts and chomping them with their rough lips. These mammals can stay underwater for six minutes before surfacing. They sometimes breathe by "standing" on their tail with their heads above water. Dugongs spend much of their time alone or in pairs, though they are sometimes seen gathered in large herds of a hundred animals. Female dugongs have one calf after a yearlong pregnancy, and the mother helps her young reach the surface and take its first breath. A young dugong remains close to its mother for about 18 months, sometimes catching a ride on her broad back. These languid animals make an easy target for coastal hunters, and they were long sought for their meat, oil, skin, bones, and teeth. Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still in a tenuous state. Some believe that dugongs were the inspiration for ancient seafaring tales of mermaids and sirens.
بالصور والفيديو : الدوجونج , أقرب الثديات البحرية شبها بالفيل وأحد الحيوانات الضخمة المهددة بالإنقراض
يعيش حيوان الـ (دوجونج \ Dugong) في المياه الساحلية الدافئة في البحر الاحمر و المحيط الهندي و الهاديء و هو الوحيد بين الحيوانات المائية الثديية الذي يتغذى فقط على الأعشاب في قاع المياه الضحلة و لذلك يطلق عليه اسم (بقرة البحر \ sea cow)، و بالرغم من كونه أحد الثدييات المائية (والتي تصنف منها أيضا الفقمة أو كلب البحر) الا أن هذا الحيوان العملاق ما يميزه بحق هو عدم قرابته لهذه الثدييات وغيرها من الكائنات ولكنه أقرب للأفيال. فالأفيال وحيوان الدوجونج يشتركان في كونهما يتبعان للمجموعات (أحادية العرق \ monophyletic) فهما كلاهما يجمعان صفات من مجموعات حيوانية مشتركة كالوبر ونوع وطريقة الغذاء كالخرطوم والذي يظهر في الصورة التالية. يمكن لحيوان الدوجونج المكوث داخل الماء لست دقائق قبل أن يخرج الى السطح للتنفس و تساعد الام وليدها في الخروج للسطح و التقاط اول نفس في حياته. تحمل أنثى الدوجونج جنينها سنة كاملة و تستمر في رعايته لمدة 18 شهرا. يصل طول الحيوان الى 4 أمتار ووزنه الى 900 كغم (أي ما يقارب الطن)، و يشبه في الشكل و السلوك الى حد كبير خروف البحر الذي يظهر في الصورة بالاسفل و هو يتغذى ليلا و نهارا على الاعشاب البحرية التي يبحث عنها بواسطة أنفها الضخم و تقضمها بشفتيها القاسيتين.

Keukenhof Gardens

Pictured: Keukenhof Gardens
The Keukenhof is the world’s best known spring garden, as famous for its stunning tulips and inspirational displays of colour as for its horticultural precision. During the short two month period that it is open to the public each spring, the Keukenhof receives hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world. Every Year from March to May, the Keukenhof opens to its gates to the public and celebrates spring in all its magnificence. After the relatively colorless months of winter, these multi-colored gardens are a feast for the senses. The Keukenhof is the largest bulb park in the world and covers over 30 hectares and 15 kilometers of footpaths with 7 million flower bulbs planted by hand every year. The result is simply breathtaking – even photos cannot quite do justice to the splendor of acres of blooming tulips during the tulip season. A visit to the Keukenhof is a Must if you are visiting the Netherlands during the tulip season. The Keukenhof is situated in the heart of tulip growing territory between Amsterdam and the Hague. It is not far from Leiden (an old university town where the tulip was first introduced to the Netherlands) and the nearest village is Lisse.

بالصور والفيديو : أكبر وأجمل حديقة أزهار في العالم والتي يزرع فيها 7 ملايين زهرة كل عام
كالجنة في سحرها و جاذبيتها، انها حديقة (كيوكينهوف \ Keukenhof) أو كما يطلق عليها “حديقة أوروبا”، وهي أكبر وأجمل حدائق الأزهار في العالم, تقع بالقرب من أمستردام العاصمة الهولندية, يتم زراعة سبع ملايين زهرة فيها كل عام و تفتح أبوابها للزوار ابتداءا من أواخر شهر مارس الى منتصف مايو. تضم الحديقة أيضا أكثر من مائة نوع من أزهار الزنبق التي وصلت أعدادها لأكثر من 4,5 مليون زهرة و أكثر من 2500 شجرة من أكثر من 87 نوع مختلف من الأشجار. هذه الحديقة الرائعة هي أكثر حديقة يتم تصويرها في العالم و قد ارتاد هذه الجنات والحدائق الرائعة منذ افتتاحها منذ أكثر من 60 عاما ما يزيد من 50 مليون زائر, إنه رقم ضخم! إذا ما تمت مقارنته بعدد السياح السنوي والذي يزور أحد أكبر الوجهات السياحية في العالم العربي وهي جمهورية مصر العربية حيث يقدر عدد السياح السنوي لمصر بالكامل من جميع الدول بـ 5.5 مليون زائر “, وتحتوي على ممرات للمشي يصل طولها لخمسة عشر كيلومتر. تضم الحديقة التي بلغت مساحتها 320 ألف متر مربع، 280 مقعدا و15 نافورة و 32 جسرا بالاضافة الى العديد من المطاعم و الأماكن المخصصة لبيع الهدايا و الزهور.


Domain Name Basics

 What, Why, And How

What's in a domain name? A lot more than you might think. Your domain name can be your first impression, your face to the outside world, and your new marketing plan. Learn more about what domain names are, why you should take the time to choose a good one for yourself, and how to go about it.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is an address for the Internet. It helps people find your web site. Just as homes and businesses have street addresses, all web sites have domain names. The Yahoo! domain name is yahoo.com. A domain name is made up of two parts, typically preceded by www. Let's use yahoo.com as an example:The first part, yahoo, is a unique name that represents the web site.The second part, com, is the extension, and stands for "commercial." There are many extensions available, though .com, .net, .biz, .info, and .us are the most popular extensions in the United States.

 Why is a good domain name important?

A good domain name helps you in numerous ways. For Businesses Add your domain name to your business card, email signature, and other advertisements. Build credibility: Show your customers that you have an established business. Improve your marketing: Provide customers an easy way to remember and contact you. Protect your brand: Secure the domain name that best represents your business name — and keep it out of the hands of your competitors. For Consumers Describe your site as best you can with your domain name. For example, a pair of amateur magicians might use their stage names, some combination of words including magic, or the name of their most famous trick.

How do I choose a domain name?

Keep these tips in mind as you select your domain name. Your domain name should reflect your business name or the topic your site will cover. It should be a unique and concise name that is easy to say, remember, and spell. You can use only letters, numbers, and hyphens in your domain name. Spaces or other symbols are not allowed.
If your first choice isn't available, try rearranging the word order, adding hyphens, or using abbreviations or locations to come up with a unique alternative.

Debt Settlement

Debt Settlement
Cash Settlement 
What is debt settlement ?
Debt settlement or debt negotiation or debt arbitration is a process wherein creditor accepts a sum lesser than the original amount from the debtor, and regards it as the full payment.

How does a debt settlement program work?
When you enroll in the program, your monthly payments to the debt settlement company get accrued in a trust account for a certain number of months. You’ll not be required to make any payments to the creditors .You can access the trust account through your secure login area. Once enough money has been deposited into the account, the debt settlement company initiates the negotiation procedure with the creditors. The debt settlement company negotiates with the creditor to arrive at an amount that is acceptable to both the parties. Once the settlement agreement is finalized, you can repay the amount in a lump sum or in installments. Debt settlement negotiation usually reduces a sizeable percentage of your overall debt amount. However, keep in mind that the debt reduction amount will heavily depend upon the performance of the professional settlement company.

 Why wait for your pending lawsuit to settle when it's so easy to get the cash you need now?
Are you having trouble making ends meet while your legal claim is being settled? Behind on your mortgage, rent, car payment or medical bills? Cash Settlements Now can provide up to $500,000 to cover your living expenses before your lawsuit is settled. No upfront fees or complicated forms. Complete our simple online application or call us and you could have cash in hand within three working days. Best of all, you repay us only if and after you win your case.


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Auto Insurance
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Mortgage Loans United State

Mortgage Lenders in the U.S

U.S. mortgage lenders provide home loans with a dizzying array of rates and terms. Finding U.S. mortgage companies that offer the best terms for your needs can be time-consuming. In your search for mortgages, U.S. mortgage brokers can help. These professionals can assist you in rooting out the best U.S. mortgages, whether you’re looking to buy a condo in Boston, a ranch in Montana or a colonial home outside Dallas. U.S. mortgage brokers have the experience and connections to examine thousands of deals from mortgage banks and mortgage companies. U.S. brokers should have a keen understanding of national real estate trends as well as local trends in your area.

To find the best U.S. mortgages for you

Make sure you're working with reputable mortgage banks by checking records with government and better-business groups. Start your search online for mortgage companies in United States territories and compare rates and terms. Don't limit yourself to a local mortgage lending company. National mortgage lenders may offer the best terms on U.S. mortgages.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma Causes

Described as a rare form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure, mesothelioma affects more than 3,000 Americans every year. This condition occurs in individuals who have been exposed to asbestos for a long period of time, especially in those who worked in factories, mines, shipyards and other industries using asbestos prior to 1970. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of this disease and develops in the lining of the lungs, causing shortness of breath, extreme swelling and sharp chest pain.

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring material that was used in various industries in the United States. When it's cut or disturbed in some way, this mineral releases fibers that get inside the lungs. Due to its high durability, asbestos was used as an effective insulation material. Its low cost and its elasticity made this material very popular in the construction industry.

Asbestos Exposure - The Main Cause of Mesothelioma

Studies have shown that asbestos can cause inflammation of mesothelial cells, which leads to cellular damage and cancer. Up to nine out of 10 individuals suffering from mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos. When asbestos fibers are accidentally swollen, this form of cancer affects the abdomen.

People who have been exposed to high levels of asbestos at a young age are most likely to develop mesothelioma cancer. Furthermore, many industrial factories and commercial buildings were constructed with products containing asbestos, putting those who have lived or worked in these places at risk. Other asbestos diseases triggered by asbestos exposure include diffuse pleural thickening, asbestos lung cancer and fibrosis.

In addition to asbestos exposure, mesothelioma can be caused by radiation therapy and tobacco use. Individuals who have a family history of mesothelioma are more likely to develop this condition. Living with someone who works with this substance increases the risk of mesothelioma as well. Sometimes this condition occurs in people who have never been exposed to asbestos. The chances of developing this form of cancer do not decrease with time after exposure to asbestos.

Radiation Exposure

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy may cause mesothelioma cancer in people who have no prior exposure to asbestos. Most times radiation is associated with brain and blood cancers.


Although there is no association between smoking and mesothelioma, studies have shown that people who smoke and work with asbestos are more likely to develop this form of cancer than non-smokers. If the smoker is already suffering from asbestosis, the risk of developing mesothelioma increases by up to 84 percent.

Thorium Dioxide

Thorium dioxide was used for X-ray enhancement back in the 1930s. Patients who received this substance developed pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma. Identified as a powerful carcinogen in the late 1950s, thorium dioxide caused this form of cancer in up to 10 million people from all over the world. Asbestos exposure is the main factor causing mesothelioma. If you worked with materials containing asbestos fibers and you suffer from mesothelioma, contact an attorney to help you recover costs for mesothelioma treatment.