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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Biggest Catfish

Angler Jon Avery reels in biggest catfish ever caught by a Brit

A LUCKY angler told yesterday how he landed a record-breaking catfish weighing 17.5 STONE. Jonathan Avery, 31, hooked the 8ft 3in monster while on holiday in Spain. It took five men to haul it to the bank of the River Segre — and the 245lb specimen is believed to be the biggest catfish ever caught by a Brit. Jonathan, from Winscombe, Somerset, got his big bite after waiting 15 hours at Mequineza. He said: "We'd been there since dawn and were about to give up. I knew straight away it was a big one, and we realised it was a record when the fish wouldn't fit in the 8ft sling to carry it to the weighing scales." Tour guide Jason Ingley said: "I've seen big fish before but nothing like that — it was like something out of a cartoon."

سمكة عملاقة طولها مترين ونصف

ذهب جوناثان آفري لأسبانيا لقضاء إجازة هادئة في أسبانيا لكنها قُطعت بشيء لم يتخيله على الإطلاق , سمكة عملاقة طولها 2.5 متر وتزن 111 كيلوجرام ,  قضى جوناثان 15 ساعة في الصيد ببلدة مكونينزا الأسبانية، ليصطاد في النهاية هذه السمكة التي لم يصدق عينيه حين رآها , ومن الجدير بالذكر أن أكبر سمكة تم اصطيادها في العالم كانت في تايلند عام 2005 وكانت تزن حوالي 300 كجم

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